Tuesday, November 01, 2005

NaNoWriMo 2005 :: Week One (from Chris Baty)

Dear Writer,
What were you thinking?
I mean, really. With your busy schedule; with everything else you're supposed to be doing in November, you're going to write a novel too?
Are you crazy?
We here at NaNoWriMo think you might be. Which is why we're so proud to have you as part of the team this year.
Because you know what? No one in their right mind has ever accomplished anything truly great. It's a delicious sort of insanity to reprioritize your to-do list and move this freaky, creative adventure of novel-writing to the very top.
Well, near the top, anyway.
Showering is important too.
As is napping.
The bathing and sleeping, we'll keep. But as for all the chores and favors and selfless acts of kindness you've spent your life bestowing upon the people around you...Well, in November, you're off duty.
Let the dog walk itself. Empower your kids to drive themselves to school.
Nothing instills character in a child like operating a piece of heavy machinery. Cooking? Bah. A host of local fast food chefs stand ready and waiting with a wondrous array of largely edible delights.
Pizza is brain food, after all. And you have more important things to do than cook. You're going to be busy building universes and forging lives.
In November, we spare no moments for drudgery, devoting our limited hours instead to frantic typing, long, bookish walks, and soulful glances out the window (which serve as restful interludes between prose creation and much-needed practice for our future book-jacket photo shoots).
Yes, November is our chance to play. To goof around in our imaginations.
To fall asleep fulfilled and wake up a'buzz with revelations about backstories and front-stories and the electric, book-changing knowledge of what our Peruvian double agent has been hiding inside that taxidermized muskrat all this time.
In four weeks, this state of manic creative bliss will be over. And we can go back to doing dishes and wearing clean clothes and talking in complete sentences to our loved ones.
For now, though, our books beckon, and our tales demand an author.
Let's go give it to 'em.
Best of luck to everyone on the first week of writing. We'll meet again in seven days, when we gather together on the mighty precipice of Week Two.
Off to dream a few beautiful stuffed muskrat dreams,

0 attempted to destroy my confidence

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